[ale] Unable to recieve faxes/mgetty+sendfax 1.1.30

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Jun 29 10:38:44 EDT 2003

Jim Seymour wrote:
> Hi All,
> 	I am unable to receive faxes on my RH 7.3 box with 
> mgetty+sendfax 1.1.3 and a Multitech MT5656ZDX-V modem.  
> Googling has not produced anyone else with a similar problem.  I tried 
> setting the port speed to 19200 to no avail.

I'd try different speeds. What does your mgetty inittab entry look like? 
  How about the init chat string going to your modem?

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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