[ale] Linux laptops (dell)

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jul 16 22:00:51 EDT 2003

David Corbin wrote:
> I'm considering upgrading (replacing) my laptop system with a new one.  I've 
> had two Dells before, and been reasonably happy with them (there have been 
> problems, but service has been great).  I'm considering another Dell, but 
> would like to solicit other oppinions.

I'd suggest checking out the laptops that http://www.emperorlinux.com 
have ported Linux to.  Even if you don't buy from them, you'll know up 
front what does/does not work with Linux.

I picked up a Sony PCG-GRX700P from them a couple of months ago.  Sweet. 
  16" screen, sharp.  1gig of memory, cdrw, memory stick, 3 usb and 
more.  Works like a champ.

By the way, I picked up Linux Format today and they do a laptop review 
of about 6-7 laptops.  Well worth your investment I would think.

I'm so sick of the Dell commercials, I don't know that I'd even look at 
one. :(

> Requirements:
> 	RAM:  512MB (minimum, 1G expandability better)
> 	Display: 15", 1280x1024 (minimum)
>         Touchpad: (Synaptics or equivalent)
> 	All the other things I "require" are on pretty much every laptop.
> I can get something like that from Dell for about $1250, but there is no 
> guarantee that it works well with Linux.  Suggestions?
> David
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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