[ale] keyserver magic?

Fletch fletch at phydeaux.org
Wed Jan 15 11:43:48 EST 2003

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert L Harris <Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net> writes:


    Robert>   We have a bunch of different email clients, supported
    Robert> and not.  Instead of having to figure out how to tell each
    Robert> client to use multiple key servers, can our internal
    Robert> server be told to forward/proxy to a public server outside
    Robert> if it doesn't have the key?  If so, will it update our
    Robert> server even if we set it read only?

Don't know about off the shelf, but just looking over the keyserver
spec . . .


You probably could whip up a proxy CGI that passed the lookup to your
real local keyserver and if that didn't return anything then pass it
to the external keyservers.  If you wanted to update the internal
server you could just format an add request using the returned data.

Actually writing this is left as an exercise for the reader. :)

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
770 294-0820 (m)      |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
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