[ale] SSH3.1.0 scp failure (a mystery to me) cont...
Dow Hurst
dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Tue Jan 14 17:09:07 EST 2003
Here below is a successful 3.1.0 client to a 2.0.13 server scp transfer
(Not all is shown, just the part after the password is given). Shows
that, yes, it does try to remove the file from the remote machine before
pushing the new file. Also, my recompile on the newly built server and
reinstall of the recompiled binaries on my test machines ended up with
the exact same behaviour. Yuk!!! I've tried several changes in the
ssh2_config and sshd2_config files. I've also tried eliminating any
possible output from login scripts. The login scripts are the same on
the client 3.1.0 machine and 2.0.13 server output below as with the test
machines both of which are running 3.1.0. I am ready for advice now as
have hit rock bottom on my knowledge. Thanks,
Fluffy 138# scp -D4 ./config.cache walker:/tmp/.
SNIP.......(many lines of debug for connection)
root at walker's password:
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:285: Received SSH_CROSS_AUTHENTICATED
packet from connection protocol.
debug: Ssh2/ssh2.c:646: Returning user input stream to original values.
debug: Ssh2/ssh2.c:747: forward_x11 = FALSE, forward_agent = FALSE
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1453: notification: 0debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:829:
num_channels now 1
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: A
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 1, buffer len: 1
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: U
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 2, buffer len: 2
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: T
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 3, buffer len: 3
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: H
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 4, buffer len: 4
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: E
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 5, buffer len: 5
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: N
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 6, buffer len: 6
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: T
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 7, buffer len: 7
debug: scp:Ssh2ChannelSession/sshchsession.c:2378: session channel
established (but requests not yet sent)Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: I
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 8, buffer len: 8
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: C
debug: SshTtyFlags/sshttyflags.c:354: Not a tty. (fd = 0)
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 9, buffer len: 9
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: A
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 10, buffer len: 10
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: T
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 11, buffer len: 11
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: E
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 12, buffer len: 12
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: D
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 13, buffer len: 13
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char:
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 14, buffer len: 14
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: Y
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 15, buffer len: 15
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: E
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 16, buffer len: 16
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char: S
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 17, buffer len: 17
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1467: read char:
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1469: read_bytes: 18, buffer len: 18
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:1476: buffer: 'AUTHENTICATED YES
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1632: Statting destination file
/tmp/. before trying to remove it...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1543: Received error 6.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1592: No connection yet. Waiting...
debug: SshConnection/sshconn.c:1634: Received reply for a channel request.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1632: Statting destination file
/tmp/. before trying to remove it...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1543: Received error 0.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1865: Removing destination file
/tmp/./config.cache .
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1668: Received error 2.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1685: File didn't previously exist
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2106: Opening file /tmp/./config.cache...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1997: Received error 0.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2003: File opened successfully.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2126: Opening file
scp:Ssh2SftpServer/sshfilexfers.c:490: SSH_FXP_OPEN
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1997: Received error 0.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2003: File opened successfully.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1649: Statting destination file /tmp/....
scp:SshFCTransferCore/sshfc_trcore.c:123: Starting transfer for file
config.cache, destination /tmp/./config.cache
scp:SshFCTransferCore/sshfc_trcore.c:70: Destroying request queues..
| 11kB | 11.0 kB/s | TOC: 00:00:01 | 100%
scp:SshFCTransferCore/sshfc_trcore.c:70: Destroying request queues..
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2253: Received error 0.
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2449: Closing source file config.cache...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2466: Closing dest file
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:2487: Finished with file
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:346: Current location list is at it's
end. Moving to next...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:90: Setting next source file item...
scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:108: No more source files in this list.
scp:SshFCTransferCore/sshfc_trcore.c:105: Freeing buffer from queue...
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:704: Received error SSH_FC_OK, error message .
scp:Ssh2SftpServer/sshfilexfers.c:552: SSH_FXP_CLOSE
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:867: Transfer ready
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:337: Destroying ScpFinalFileListItem...
scp:Scp2/scp2.c:350: Destroying ScpFileListItem...
debug: SshConnection/sshconn.c:405: EOF from channel stream
scp:SshEventLoop/sshunixeloop.c:555: Uninitialized the event loop.
scp:SshAppCommon/sshappcommon.c:146: Freeing global SshRegex context.
Geoffrey wrote:
> Dow Hurst wrote:
> scp:SshFCTransfer/sshfc_transfer.c:1632: Statting destination file
>> /tmp/. before trying to remove it...
> Still wandering around in the dark with my fork. Try changing your scp
> so the target is:
> /tmp
> rather than
> /tmp/.
> In trying to remove /tmp/. it might be trying to remove the directory
> /tmp
Dow Hurst Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd., Bldg. 12
Chemistry Department SC428 Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
*Computational Chemistry is fun!*
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