[ale] OT: Java application properties

Arafat Mohamed amohamed at lallygag.net
Thu Feb 6 16:53:45 EST 2003

Joe wrote:
> Arafat Mohamed <amohamed at lallygag.net> writes:
>>Joe wrote:
>>>Hi folks,
>>>Various Java documentation seems to imply that for a given
>>>Java executable class MyClass, one can create a property
>>>file with a magic name, such that the JVM will automatically
>>>read that property file and add the properties therein to
>>>the System properties, when MyClass's main() is invoked.
>>>Is this true? If so, what is the required name and location
>>>of the magic application property file? I'd expect it to
>>>be something like "MyClass.properties", but I can't seem to
>>>track down any solid documentation on this (which probably
>>>means that it's in a totally obvious place I haven't thought
>>>of looking yet...)
As far as I know, no. The closest thing I've seen to what you're talking 
about is the use of ResourceBundles. You still have to load the class, 
but it figures out on it's own which bundle to actually use.

Could you provide an example of the documentation that implies this is 


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