[ale] DISPLAY DRIVER problem

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Thu Feb 6 01:40:09 EST 2003

The README of the NVIDIA drivers says:

   "If you want to build NVdriver for a system other than the compiling
    system, then you'll need to run the make as:

        $ make SYSINCLUDE=/src/kern/my-smp-kernel/include

    to generate an NVdriver that will work on the kernel whose include
    files are in /src/kern/my-smp-kernel/include.  This kernel must
    have been completely configured (make menuconfig dep)."

Unfortunately, I do not have a "full" install of Redhat ( I believe I lack the 
kernel source) AND I update the kernel using up2date (another reason I 
probably don't have them.

I searched Redhat.com for them, and could not find them.
I will probably call for help tomorrow.


On Wednesday 05 February 2003 20:59, Jonathan Glass (IBB) wrote:
> You've downloaded the NVIDIA kernel driver for kernel # 2.4.18-18.0, and
> trying it install it on either 2.4.18-14 or 2.4.18-24.8.0 (different
> patch levels of the kernel).  This probably won't work, as the rpm
> install looks for the /lib/modules/2.4.18-18.8.0 directory, which
> doesn't exist on your machine (WAG).
> It looks like what is happening is the installer is dropping the
> nvidia.o driver file in the
> /lib/modules/2.4.18-18.8.0/kernel/drivers/video directory, and trying to
> use modprobe to load it, but it is unable to find the driver b/c you are
> running a different kernel.
> Also, are you running an Athlon kernel, or i686? "uname -a".  Are you
> sure you've downloaded the appropriate NVIDIA kernel driver for your
> kernel?  It may be worth downloading the source RPM, rebuilding it, then
> installing it.
> I'll update my kernel on my work machine in the morning and see if I can
> duplicate this error.
> Remember, worse case scenario, you can do an "rpm -Uvh NVIDIA_*.rpm
> --force" to force the installation.  I"ve done this more than once,
> installing the NVIDIA kernel driver for each version of the kernel on a
> given machine (research machine, no clue why they want 4 different
> kernels).
> If you have no luck with this, give me a call in the morning
> (http://www.ibb.gatech.edu/administration.html for the number), and I'll
> try to help you out with it.
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 20:25, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> > Here are the results of "rpm -q kernel"
> >
> > kernel-2.4.18-14
> > kernel-2.4.18-24.8.0
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