[ale] Defenestration WAS : OT: Re: posting to Linux mail list

Greg runman at speedfactory.net
Wed Dec 31 23:33:30 EST 2003

 <big snip >
> Agreed for the most part.  I always look for any opportunities to
> suggest a non-Microsoft solution.  You can't go with such all the time,
> I know, but when the 'window' is opened, throw it out. ;)

Since you are doing the consulting thing now you (and others) might want to
check out "The Unix Guide to Defenstration" by Murph P. Murphy at
http://www.winface.com .  Changed my mind on a lot of things - both on going
to a *nix solution and on sometimes not bothering with it.  I read it when I
"discovered" Open Source many years ago.

I also got "The Cluetrain Manifesto", "The Cathedral and Bazaar", "The
Mythical Man-Month", "Microserfs", an Internet connection and Caldera's
Linux at the same time.  Things haven't been the same since.


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