[ale] OT: the Penny Black anti-spam proposal

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Sun Dec 28 18:23:20 EST 2003

> 2. White lists such as what Earthlink/Mindsproing recently implemented
>    probably are the ultimate answer.  The first time someone sends to
>    you, your mail server intercepts the email and sends them back a
>    either a URL of a graphic image with a word in it or in some cases
>    a simple text email.  They have to key the word in a reply email or
>    or to the web form to release the mail.
>    Why is this better than the Microsoft solution?  Because it takes
>    30 seconds of a human's time.  Thus, it can't be pawned off on a
>    third party's compromised or open relay system.

Thank you Bob. 
Other benefits include that we already have the ability to do it soon, it is 
AUTOMATED so it does not put additional burden on system admins, etc. It also 
does not require new legislation and keeps our court systems from being 
choked by spam hearings - as well as solving jurisdiction problems. I feel 
that this system is far more effective and practical than other systems 

Further, it *can* even be done client-side as well.
Juno could build it into their tacky little email client.
M$FT could set it on by default, and use it on their IMAP servers.
AOL could implement the system for their accounts.

(I understand that it can save bandwidth by challenging sooner, but I am just 
illustrating that a company like M$FT could pratically eliminate spam itself)

					All by March.

>    The disadvantage is for businesses that want to attract new clients
>    who may not bother with it.  Of course, the recipient decides whether
>    or not to use this, unlike the Microsoft approach where they control it
>    and force everyone to use new software and then surprise them with a
>    software patent.

Yes. But, I also feel that businesses have more power to use other solutions 
like the one that I am currently using. Further, I don't think businesses are 
the ones guilty of buying penis enlargement or much of anything else from 
spammers. And, one key to defeating spam is to cut off the financial reward 
completely (not just by nickel and diming professional advertisers).

> Bob Toxen
> bob at verysecurelinux.com               [Please use for email to me]
> http://www.verysecurelinux.com      [Network&Linux/Unix security consulting]
> http://www.realworldlinuxsecurity.com [book:"Real World Linux Security 2/e"]
> Quality Linux & UNIX security and SysAdmin & software consulting since 1990.
> "Microsoft: Unsafe at any clock speed!"
>    -- Bob Toxen 10/03/2002

Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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