[ale] 2.6 mouse wierdness

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 22 14:12:58 EST 2003

You can remap the mouse keys via a small script when you log in.  Here 
is an example to get a Microsoft 5button trackball to work and set my 
dpms setting at the same time when I would log into KDE.

xset dpms 900 1000 1100
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 6 7 3 2 4 5"

Jason Vinson wrote:

> I made the switch to 2.6.0 this morning and everything went smoothly.  
> The only problem i've noticed is that my mousewheel doesn't function 
> properly anymore.  Scroll down works fine, but scroll up seems to be 
> doing a "middle click" of the mouse, and I am definitely not clicking 
> it.  Any ideas how to debug this?  It worked just fine in 2.4
> Thanks,
> Jason
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