[ale] BankOne Spam Scam

Kevin Krumwiede kjkrum at comcast.net
Sat Dec 20 01:07:10 EST 2003

On 19 Dec 2003 11:07:58 -0500
Jeff Hubbs <hbbs at comcast.net> wrote:

> Boy, I just got a real convincing-looking e-mail, purportedly from

I forget where I read this... if it was on this list I apologize for the

There are fraud emails going around that redirect you to your bank's
real site while simultaneously popping up a login window from the
malicious server.  I'm not very familiar with the HTTP protocol, but
IIRC, it works by embedding HTML in a redirect response.  I'm not sure
if that constitutes valid HTTP or if it works against all browsers, or
only "that one"...


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