[ale] getty for ttyS1 -> file?

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Fri Dec 19 15:06:27 EST 2003

Actually came up with a simple solution:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1                                                                                               
cat < /dev/ttyS1 >> /tmp/foo                                                                                            

Basically some people in atlanta need to be able to monitor the console
port of a router in miami that's not behaving and next week there'll be
no-one in the miami space.

Thus spake Dow Hurst (dhurst at kennesaw.edu):

> Someone talked about having logging output sent via syslog's port to a 
> dotmatrix printer that was roll fed.  That way they had a hard copy 
> continously produced of the syslog of another machine.  I guess you'd 
> redirect the output of syslogd to lp rather than the normal file for 
> logging, /var/log/messages.  I think the syslog.conf man page had an 
> example of sending log messages over the network.  Maybe it was Bob 
> Toxen who mentioned it to me as a log protection technique.
> Dow
> Robert L. Harris wrote:
> >Has anyone ever set up a getty to take any input from ttyS1 (such as
> >another machines console) and just write it out to a file?  We have a
> >need for something like this quick and I'm pretty sure it can be done,
> >just haven't seen it actually accomplished.
> >
> >:wq!
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
> >                                        @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
> >     These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> >
> >Life is not a destination, it's a journey.
> > Microsoft produces 15 car pileups on the highway.
> >   Don't stop traffic to stand and gawk at the tragedy.
> > 
> >
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> Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
> Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744            *
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> Chemistry Department SC428  Email:   dhurst at kennesaw.edu   *
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Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

Life is not a destination, it's a journey.
  Microsoft produces 15 car pileups on the highway.
    Don't stop traffic to stand and gawk at the tragedy.
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