[ale] Linux 2.6.0 Kernel Released

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Dec 18 16:48:02 EST 2003

Robert L. Harris wrote:
> How do you burn the different format dvd's?  I have a DVD+/-RW also and
> have plans to make a backup disk with it, just haven't had the time yet
> (cross fingers)

I've just been testing mind you, but I've been using k3b on SuSE 9.0. 
k3b is a real sweet front end for various dvd/cdrom tools.  Drag and drop.

Of course that's not likely to help you with a backup if you're planning 
to automate it, but I've not gotten that far yet. :(

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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