[ale] OT: master in comp. sci.

Bob Toxen bob at verysecurelinux.com
Thu Dec 11 00:09:42 EST 2003

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 04:18:48AM -0500, miguel wrote:
> hello alers,

> thought about going back to school, but with all this outsourcing going
> on, i am having 2nd thoughts....is worth the trouble/time/money?
It's probably not worth the time and money.  Virtually all companies
want cheapest $/hour with no consideration as to skill and ability.
More than a B.S. is useful only for management positions at medium to
large companies.

Don't take my word for this, though.  Check the "help wanted" and see
what qualifications they want and compute the number of jobs available
for each.  Heck, a B.S. rarely matters as much as satisfying the
"10 years of C# experience required" by clueless Inhuman Resources, ahem,

> regards
> -mig


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