[ale] OT: master in comp. sci.

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at sciatl.com
Wed Dec 10 08:40:26 EST 2003

miguel wrote:
> hello alers,
> thought about going back to school, but with all this outsourcing going
> on, i am having 2nd thoughts....is worth the trouble/time/money?

IMNSHO, a Masters is unlikely to make you better at real-world development, 
except in some specialized situations.  Most of what I saw back when I was 
taking courses for a Masters were programs aimed at producing grad students who 
would help Comp Sci researchers, not real-world developers dealing with 
real-world problems.

Pete Hardie                   |   Goalie, DVSG Dart Team
     posting from, but not     |
     speaking for:             |
Scientific Atlanta, Digital Video Services Group

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