[ale] OT: unlisted phone number

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Dec 1 07:29:18 EST 2003

lance crocker wrote:
> it is a DC number. ......

I hope you realize that you've just published an apparently unpublished 
phone number on the internet.  It will find it's way into the archives. 
  I don't know the reason for you trying to find the address of the 
number, but the bottom line is, the owner of the number has it 
unpublished for a reason.  I personally value my privacy and find this 
effort offensive.

If you have reasons to pursue this further, I'd suggest you contact a 
private investigator or such.

I wonder whether you might be legally liable for your current efforts.

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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