[ale] how to make a windows sysadmin functional on Unix

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Aug 27 06:00:21 EDT 2003

Steve Tynor wrote:

> I'm looking for advice for some reading material, websites, etc. that
> you would recommend that he can use to bootstrap himself.  "A Unix for
> Dummies^H^H^H^H^HWindows Admin" sort of thing.  My problem is that I
> came to Unix first, Windows second, so I can't really identify with the
> sorts of problems he's having getting his brain around Unix. (just as he
> he can't understand why I have such a hard time dealing with Windows :-))

I would go ahead, shoot him, and put him out of his misery.. ;)

There are a couple of books I've seen out there with titles like, 'Unix 
for Windows admins.'  I'm paraphrasing and have never purchased or read 
them, so I can't make any real recommendations.  Might be a place to start.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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