[ale] Help in this forum

Steve Nicholas syssfn at circe.gsu.edu
Sun Aug 24 00:14:54 EDT 2003

I'm a long time subscriber to ale (remember Eric ?? ).

I'll sum up what I've been seeing for so long...

(Sung to the tune "It looks a lot like Christmas" )

"ale looks a lot like /."

I could expand from here, but we all know why this list was set up, and
what it's purpose was.  I'm sad to say there is a lot less Linux and more
politics flowing through the list.  And before anyone attacks me, I have a
wife that's been unemployed for a long time.  So, I feel the pain.  This
is NOT the list to moan about politics / jobs (except if someome has an

So I throw it out to the list owners....where do you want ale to go ??


| Steve Nicholas             |                        |
| Software Systems Engineer  |  A risk is not a risk  |
| Georgia State University   |  until it is taken.    |
| snicholas at gsu.edu          |                        |
| 404-651-1062               |  BBROYGBVGW            |

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