[ale] [OT]Gentoo + qmail + SpamAssassin in front of Exchange

Mark Angeli webmaster at tinyminds.org
Wed Aug 13 13:41:00 EDT 2003

Check out http://www.qmailrocks.org

This walks you through getting it setup on a redhat box, but the install 
should be somewhat similar.
The one thing I don't know about is exchange....

Nathan J. Underwood wrote:

>Let me first say that Exchange wasn't my choice (I inherited it), but it's
>what's here, and I have to manage it.  With that said, I'm looking to implement
>some type of SPAM filtering, and I've used qmail / SpamAssassin in the past with
>much success.  What I'm hoping to do is to place the Gentoo box between my
>firewall, and Exchange server, and have it filter the mail.  I've done this
>before, but with a Red Hat box (had to stop because the RH box was a 200MHz box
>with 32MB RAM that was also running some MySQL stuff, and SpamAssassin killed
>it), and it worked very well.  I'm just curious to know if there are any
>oddities or issues that I need to be aware of when doing this with Gentoo (I'm
>using emerge to install qmail, qmail scanner, and spamassassin, and built it all
>from source on the RH box).

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