[ale] meeting

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Aug 11 15:07:38 EDT 2003

Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Actually he should be welcome.  I used to wish him dead, etc because 
> of all the M$ FUD.  Now I'd just like him seriously tortured because
> of all the SCO crap.
> Look at all the good things that have come out of M$ attacks on
> Linux. Every time Bill and friends bought an idea they'd jump up and
> go "Hey look at what we have!  Linux doesn't have that" or "Linux
> can't do that", etc.  Every time someone would step up and either
> tell them to shove it as Linux/Unix has been doing it for years or
> would respond with a "oh yeah?  Give us a week" and it would happen.
> A lot of the great developments we've received have been because
> Billy and friends have challenged the different devs or said they
> can't do something.
> Yeah the FUD sucks but people are very slowly starting to come around
>  and learn.  In the mean time we're making massive advancements while
> we wait on Billy and friends to be blown up by some militant geeks
> who are overly defensive.

Woah, now, you're the one that said something about death.

I personally detest the man because of what he has done to the world of 
computers.  Computers would be so much further along if it weren't for 
M$ and there competition crushing ways.  What would it be like if OS's 
were as plentiful as automobile makes?

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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