[ale] OT: Stock Traders?

Zack zack at the-links.net
Thu Apr 24 23:13:23 EDT 2003

But my point was that there are often flat fees for trades (and selling 
too as someone else pointed out) and often monthly or quarterly account 
maintenance fees for such small sums of money.  Since these are flat 
amounts, the less money you invest (or the more often you trade) the 
larger the percentage of fees you pay on your money, making a good 
return less likely.  I do agree with your point though, I believe the 
stock market is generally a better investment than gambling, just not 
for that sum of money.

I actually had to close an account recently as the declining stock 
market made account fees kick in.  I started getting nailed a flat fee 
that just hastened the decline of my account (as if the stocks weren't 
falling fast enough on their own).  If I didn't close out the account, I 
would have probably OWED them money soon. I got about a $15 back.


Kilroy, Chris wrote:

> long term investing in the stock market is a lot better than gambling, 
> unless you are looking for short term returns, but even still it is 
> still better odds :)
> ->-----Original Message-----
> ->From: Zachary Link [mailto:zack at the-links.net]
> ->Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 3:25 PM
> ->To: ale at ale.org
> ->Subject: Re: [ale] OT: Stock Traders?
> ->
> ->
> ->If you start with $150, and pay a $10 fee, you need to gain
> ->7% to break
> ->even.  If there are acount maintenance fees for such a small sum, then
> ->your $150 could be gone in less than a year. That small
> ->amount of money
> ->might not be worth it.  My guess is that a nice dinner out with a date
> ->would be money much better spent.
> ->
> ->Zack
> ->
> ->
> ->
> -><quote who="Robert L. Harris">
> ->>
> ->>
> ->> Anyone here do any day trading as a hoby/investment?  I've
> ->got a little
> ->> ($150) I can play with in stock and thinking of just
> ->messing with it.
> ->> Looking for some tips, good news sites, etc.
> ->>
> ->> Robert
> ->>
> ->>
> ->> :wq!
> ->>
> ->--------------------------------------------------------------
> ->-------------
> ->> Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: E344DA3B
> ->>                                          @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
> ->>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> ->>
> ->> Diagnosis: witzelsucht
> ->>
> ->> IPv6 = robert at ipv6.rdlg.net http://ipv6.rdlg.net
> ->> IPv4 = robert at mail.rdlg.net http://www.rdlg.net
> ->
> ->
> ->
> ->_______________________________________________
> ->Ale mailing list
> ->Ale at ale.org
> ->http://www.ale.org/mailman/listinfo/ale
> ->

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