[ale] wireless PCMCIA

Stuffed Crust pizza at shaftnet.org
Thu Apr 24 20:03:46 EDT 2003

On Thu, Apr 24, 2003 at 07:36:56PM -0400, Geoffrey wrote:
> Do not under any circumstances put money in M$'s pocket, when there is a 
> viable alternative.  Contact one of the Linux vendors and inquire as to 
> what they use.

Hey, I'm being pragmatic and practical here.

Bottom line is that you just don't know what you're getting when you 
walk into a store to buy something.  The generic-brand cards will 
probably work, but name-brands are a crapshoot at best.

I used to recommend the Linksys WPC11, but now the only one you can find 
in stores is the new rev4, which is based on an admtek chipset.  at 
least they have some linux support, but it's a partial-binary driver 
that has plenty of issues still.  

It's getting harder to find Orinoco cards.  Cisco cards work, but are 
pretty expensive.  Prism2/2.5/3 are the best-supported, but you never 
know what you're getting any more, because vendors change chipsets on a 
whim and don't change the box.

 - Pizza
Solomon Peachy                                   pizza at f*cktheusers.org
                                                           ICQ #1318444
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur                 Melbourne, FL

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