[ale] Long ago off topic and wondering ever on... Defeated by the offshoring of America....

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Tue Apr 15 00:23:24 EDT 2003

4/14/2003 11:54:09 PM, "Jim Popovitch" <jimpop at yahoo.com> wrote:
>Stab in the dark:  Espousing ad nauseam on mailinglists falls under your
>'liberal' side.

	No - being willing to consider others opinions as well as mine is the liberal side. 
Demanding that they be willing to establish their "facts" a bit before I have to accept them as valid 
is the conservative side. This is as opposed to letting snide remarks that I happen to agree with slip 
by while personally attacking those I disagree with even when they have justified their positions or 
defend against such attacks which is the leftist side (which I do not share), or being willing to 
impose my views on others by force regardless of their rights for the greater good which is a right-
wing side (which I also lack).

	Pardon me for not being williing to concede to double standards -

		Ben Scherrey

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