[ale] Oddly Slow Internal Modem

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at attbi.com
Mon Oct 28 14:52:33 EST 2002

I have a Gentoo 1.4rc1 P/100 machine set up here with an ISA-bus US
faxmodem inside.  When I run minicom, I can talk to the modem and it
talks back, but at an excruciatingly slow speed.  For example, when
minicom fires up, it puts up its "Initializing Modem" box, that goes
away like normal, then it lands in its comm mode.  Minicom then tries to
send the modem the string 

AT S7=45 S0=0 L1 V1 X4 &c1 E1 Q0

It takes about 15 seconds for the first half of that string to echo back
and another 15 for most of the rest of it, then another 10 or so for it
to complete with a carriage return.  I don't seem to get an "OK" back
from that, but if I type something in like "at+fclass=?" it takes about
15 seconds to get an echo and another 15 to get a response.

I looked through dmesg and found that ttyS00 (COM1) and ttyS02 (COM3,
the modem) appeared to both be set to IRQ 4, so, in the interest of
simplicity, I simply disabled COM1 in the BIOS.  However, this didn't
solve the problem of the unusual lag .

Any ideas as to what's going on here?

- Jeff

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