[ale] Corporate taxes...

James S. Cochrane cochrane at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 13 20:38:39 EST 2002

At 01:50 PM 11/13/02 -0500, Jeff Rose wrote:
>         I have a friend who works for dfacs.

And I have friends who used to be foster parents for DFACS, until they got 
fed up with the bullshit from DFACS, and the total lack of support they 
received as foster parents.  They had situations where DFACS was legally 
supposed to act (such as relatives of foster children taking them for 
unscheduled visits without court approval) and DFACS failed to back them 
up.  So they left the DFACS system, because they were tired of dealing with 
kids who were being told by their relatives that my friends were only 
foster parents so they could make the foster kids be their household slaves 
so their own kids wouldn't have to do chores.  Never mind that my friend's 
kids were doing their share of chores, and the foster kids were supposed to 
be taking an even share.  Start to make progress with a kid, and have all 
of that progress ruined by one phone call, or one unscheduled visit (or 
picking the kids up from school without authorization).  I'm sure there are 
people trying hard at DFACS, but DFACS as a whole is another failed 
government program that needs significant overhaul.  Including the 
establishment of some clear legal guidelines on when they can and cannot 
act, and the recognition that they are government employees and subject to 
all of the limitations on their actions present in the Bill of Rights (some 
states have actually tried to argue that DFACS employees aren't police so 
they don't need a warrant to enter someone's home to investigate a complaint).


>She sees kids beaten to near
>death, kids sold into prostitution by their own parents, kids abandoned
>by their drug addicted parents, crack babies and such on a daily basis.
>Sorry that they aren't perfect but if you heard the horror she deals
>with on a daily basis you might have a better understanding of what they
>go through.  That's not to say these people aren't wrong for taking the
>trips but dfacs is one agency that tries very hard to make a difference
>in people's lives.  And if you think they are  just on a joy ride then
>you obviously have never spoken to a dfacs employee.
>On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 13:26, Irv Mullins wrote:
> > On Wednesday 13 November 2002 12:15 pm, JR wrote:
> >
> > > I love to hear the right wing conservative "fortunate" ones whine about
> > > their taxes.  Boo friggin hoo.  We all have to support our country and
> > > our government.  Just pay your damn taxes and shut up. If we had a flat
> > > tax,  then there would be no discussion, we'd all pay the same
> > > percentage.  Then again you "fortunate" ones couldn't avoid paying YOUR
> > > share.  Maybe only liberals are smart enough to realize that taxes are a
> > > necessary evil.
> >
> > Of course they are necessary. How else could those 500 Ga. DFACS workers
> > spend an all-expenses-paid vacation dining and dancing at Jekyll Island?
> > http://www.accessatlanta.com/partners/wsbtv/specialreports/dfacs1112.html
> >
> > Surely they deserve it - after all, only an insignificant number of 
> children
> > in their care have actually died.   Lately.  That's your government at 
> work.
> >
> > Irv
> >
> > ---
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> >
>Jeff Rose
>jojerose at mindspring.com
>This message has been sent through the ALE general discussion list.
>See http://www.ale.org/mailing-lists.shtml for more info. Problems should be
>sent to listmaster at ale dot org.

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