[ale] Corporate taxes...

Brian J. Dowd bdowd at dentfirst.com
Wed Nov 13 10:01:46 EST 2002

Ok...my blood has finally reached the boiling point...

> The only thing you left out was to close the tax loopholes

Since all tax "loopholes" are congressional laws initiated by the House 
and passed by both
the House and the Senate. And since both houses have been almost totally 
under the control of Demorats for the past 48 years...What, exactly, is 
your thesis?

> that allow
> corporation to earn billions and pay no taxes. GE, Enron, and several
> others have managed to avoid paying taxes on the billions they earned in
> profits

Corporations are figments of lawyers' imaginations and corporate taxes 
are figments of liberals' dreams. Corporations are totally owned by 
shareholders, ie: *people*, who then wind up paying the taxes on any 
imputed profits. Any tax actually paid by corporations merely serves to 
raise the production costs of its goods so that all  its customers wind 
up paying this hidden tax when they buy its products.

If you really want to learn about (not just argue about) the 
ramifications of "corporate taxes" please give http://www.fairtax.org a 
few minutes of your time after you calm down.

> while our schools were cramming 35 kids into a trailer called a
> classroom in front of a single teacher who is supposed to train these
> kids to become good employees of these companies.
I'd seriously like to see your references to studies which correlate 
class size or classroom construction methods to SAT scores or some other 
measure of students' depth of knowledge. I will read your info after I 
calm down. ;-)

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