[ale] OT (way out there): switching from beer to wine....

cfowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Nov 12 14:21:56 EST 2002

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 14:20, John Wells wrote:
> Stories like this
> (http://www.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/11/11/wine.dementia.reut/index.html)
>  make me think hard about giving up beer and switching to wine.  After
> all, a man can't take any chances when it comes to his thinking cap.
> <AA FLAME BAIT>Yes, I enjoy beer on a weekly basis</AA FLAME BAIT> with
> varying frequency, but have also enjoyed wine in the past and would
> consider trying the admittedly difficult departure from my good friend
> beer.
> However, I'm no wine expert by any means, and really don't know how to
> identify a wine that provides at least some quality for costs that
> approach beer's affordabilty.  I enjoy both white and red wines and would
> like to find a reasonably affordable, palatable, non-gut-rotting vintage
> in each.
> Any wine connoisseurs on the list?  Can you point me in the right direction?

Double Deuce.  Affordable.

> Thanks,
> John
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