[ale] OT: BellSouth Fast Access DSL

lance crocker jnlc at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 8 17:33:13 EST 2002

I currently use BellsouthDSl on my network at home. I was to cheap to go out
and buy a brand name router, so I built my own.

It seems to be running fine and I stay on the net 24/7. I have RH80
configured to run on a LAN, which was not very hard. On the same network I
have a small win98se machine, which I don't use very often. They both seem
to surf the net fine and I didn't even have to contact Bellsouth about it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Kilpatrick [mailto:kilpatms at mindspring.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 11:21 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] OT: BellSouth FastAccess DSL

On Friday 08 November 2002 11:31 am, Fulton Green wrote:
> - Will a Linksys cable/DSL router (recent security problems
> notwithstanding) or some other similar routing device be sufficient for
> my LAN, or will I really need to spend the extra $10/mo. (+ equipment)
> for the multiple computer service option that BellSouth offers?

I have been using a SOHOware NBG800 combo firewall/router for maybe
nine months now and have had no severe problems -- hooked to mindspring/
earthlink. Went with this model because the salesman told me it was
a bit more reliable when linking PCs and Macs, and the home network
has one of each. Don't know if that is true, just know it was simple
to set up and run. Same price as the comparable Linksys model.


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