[ale] OT: palm screen scrambled

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Thu May 23 18:31:23 EDT 2002

I know this is OT, but a lot of you have palms, and I trust you more
than the strangers on a palm list.  :-)

My Palm IIIxe can't seem to keep from getting its screen completely
scrabled and locking up.  I put batteries in and it's about 10 seconds
until it locks up and I can't even turn it off.  The buttons are
non-functional.  It looks like a bunch of garbled mush on the screen,
and it's unusable.

Have any of you all seen this before?  Do you know if it's repairable,
or should I just get something else?  (I kind of feel like Palm OS must
be made by Microsoft or something.)


David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want
to be there when it happens.  -- Woody Allen

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