[ale] OT: [Fwd: Looking for 100 Lazy People To Make Money]

cfowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Thu May 16 12:05:42 EDT 2002

I got this spam and began laughing.  I thought it was so funny that I
wanted to share it with you guys.  I hate spam but this was very

-- BEGIN included message

To: Undisclosed, Recipients
Subject: Looking for 100 Lazy People To Make Money
From: Randall <now2113111 at yahoo.com>
To: ale at ale.org
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:30:11 -0500
Delivery-date: Thu, 16 May 2002 11:52:07 -0400
Envelope-to: cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sender: Randall <now2113111 at yahoo.com>

We are desparately looking for 100 lazy people 
            who wish to make lots of money without working.

         We are not looking for people who are self-motivated.
         We are not looking for people who join every 'get rich 
                   quick' scheme offered on the internet.
            We are not looking for class presidents, beautiful 
            people, career builders or even college graduates.  
   We don't even want union workers or trade school graduates.

         We want the laziest people that exist - the guys and 
       gals who expect to make money without lifting a finger.  
           We want the people who stay in bed until noon.
    We want those of you who think that getting out of bed to go 
      lay on the couch is an effort that is best not thought about.

                          If you meet this criteria, go to:

                       idontwannawork at subdimension.com

             and type in the Subject Line the following words:
                             "I do not want to work".  
            In fact, if you are so lazy that typing those words 
             in the Subject line is an effort, than don't bother.  
         Just click on the email and we'll know that you want 
     us to send you the domain name anyhow, because then 
              we will be absolutely certain that you are the 
                             kind of person we want.
               In case you haven't figured it out yet, we want 
                 the kind of people who DO NOT take risks.  
        If you are the kind of person who will consider doing 
     something that's NOT a 'sure thing', then do NOT respond.  
                  This is too easy a way to make money 
                         and there's no challenge in it.

            If you can get to the website that we are going 
              to email you, you will be able to see the first 
       home business in history that requires no work.  NONE.  
               By clicking on this email and then going to 
               this website, you will be telling us that you 
            want to make enough money that you can quit 
                     your regular job and sleep all day.  

             We are not looking for a commitment from you 
                   and we don't even want your money. 
              As a matter of fact, we don't even want you 
            to hear from us again if the idea of making lots 
           of money without working does not interest you.  
                                  So this is the first 
                               and last email we will 
                                    ever send you.   
                                  That is a promise.

                        So if nothing else, remember this -  
                    to make money without working for it just 
                      send an email with the following words 
                 in the subject line:  "I do not want to work" to:

                         idontwannawork at subdimension.com
                      and we will email you back with the 
                       website that gives you information 
                            on the best of both worlds - 
               a way to make money without having to work.

                     We look forward to hearing from you.

                     In all seriousness,


-- END included message

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