[ale] High Priority Mutt?

Randy Janinda rjaninda at tqlabs.com
Tue May 14 11:19:27 EDT 2002

I think procmail is the right tools for this. I think I have you beat
with the 300 emails a day simply due to all the lists I like to keep
tabs on. So procmail to the rescue:

Simply setup a few rules and folders and have procmail filter
accordingly. Then have Mutt open the folders. The only example I can
offer is this:

I'm running Qmail+Courier IMAP and use Evolution as the client (although
Mut has builtin IMAP support and I use to use it).

my .qmail:
| preline /usr/bin/procmail

my .procmailrc (editted for length):
LOGFILE=$HOME/proc.`date +%y-%m-%d`

* ^From.*@ale.org*

* ^List-Id: <bugtraq.list-id.securityfocus.com>


On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 11:07, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Is there a way using mutt/procmail to flag a mail as important?  I get
> close to 300 emails a day easily to my house.  It really sucks when I
> loose 1 email because it's in a bunch of spam and the subject fits in.
> It'd be good if I could mark email from certain people or domains as
> special and "Read Before Deleteing" or even highlight in a different
> color.
> Any suggestions?  
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                |  Micros~1 :
> Senior System Engineer          |    For when quality, reliability
>   at RnD Consulting             |      and security just aren't
>                                 \_       that important!
>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> FYI:
>  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
> ---
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