[ale] CGI and Earthlink hosting

David S. Jackson deepbsd at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 13 12:42:44 EST 2002


I'm trying to create a cgi perl script on an earthlink host.  I'm
not sure if they even support CGI.pm, or if so, to what extent.
I've asked several times via email, and they don't respond to
mod_perl or CGI.pm questions.

The scripts seem to work fine on my boxes.  I only change the
directory paths for the remote scripts.  But since I don't have
access to their logs, I can't tell precisely what the errors are
on their site.  

Near as I can tell, everything *should* work fine, but it
doesn't.  Example, when I try and load my frontpage.cgi script, I
get the following in Netscale alt-u:

<LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto:HASH(0x113020)">
<BASE HREF="HASH(0x112f98)">


*************  I generate this with:  *************

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT

use Carp;
use CGI qw(:standard *table );

use strict;

my $baseurl = 'http://www.dsj.net';

print header(), title("DSJ Networks"),
start_html({bgcolor=>"white"}, {text=>"#000000"},
{Link=>"#0000ff"}, {vlink=>"#551a8b"}, {alink=>"#ff0000"});

## Start Main Table

print table({cellpadding=>5, width=>"100%"},


## Left Side Navigation

td({valign=>"top", width=>"20%", bgcolor=>"#dddddd"},
p( {align=>"center"},
img({align=>"center", src=>"$baseurl/penguin.jpg", alt=>'DSJ Net
Home'}, '')
)   # End of anchor
),  # End of paragraph

blah blah etc etc

**********************  end my script **********************

So, I ask, what's causing this problem?  Why am I getting a


David S. Jackson                        dsj at dsj.net
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.
		-- Woody Allen, "Annie Hall"

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