[ale] Dial into my server via ppp

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Mon Mar 11 15:55:34 EST 2002


I have been dialing into a remote machine for sometime now by using plain text passwords.  I bascailly login to a getty using a username/password combination on
the getty.  After I log in to the getty I have a script specified in /etc/passwd that fires off pppd.  I would like to move to a chap setup but
mingetty does not support chap not do I want to use mgetty.  Can I use chap and still use mingetty on the port or can I skip mingetty all together
and have pppd rundiretly on the port at boot an await my call.  I can easily create my own getty that will spawn pppd as soon as CD goes high on my
modem.  I do not want to use mgetty to do this.  Any help would be appreciated.


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