[ale] nmap shows evil open ports

Keith R. Watson keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu
Fri Jul 26 07:55:01 EDT 2002


As someone has already pointed out it looks like your talking about a 
Windows box? If so what version of Windows? I have a Perl script that will 
parse a netstat report and tell you what application is known to use the 
ports that are in use. I also have a utility that will try to tell you what 
process is using the port. If your interested let me know.


At 16:25 7/25/2002 -0400, Brian J. Dowd wrote:
>Without being terribly specific on this open list...
>nmap shows I have some open ports which are
>well-known Win virus/control ports. Portsentry
>doesn't indicate that there is any traffic on any of them
>but they *are* open. How do I find out which processes
>opened them and how do I close these ports?
>TIA! -Brian
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Keith R. Watson                        GTRI/ITD
Systems Support Specialist III         Georgia Tech Research Institute
keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu           Atlanta, GA  30332-0816

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