[ale] automating an ssh script?

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Thu Jul 25 11:13:06 EDT 2002

DUDE! I "so saw" your articles. I tried following them more than ANY other 
sites that I found on my own. Blew 2 hours on those tips - but on my box it 
does not work. In fact, try grabbing a fresh box and entering those commands 
he has listed in the grey boxes. He is obviously leaving something very 
important out. That is what happens when someone knows a subject very well, 
they assume that others know things about it as well - so they skip some of 
the fundamentals.

That is *why* I am a Luser BEGGING:
"Please please please help me by giving me *exactly* what I enter line by 

Apparently, I am soooooo very bad at ssh, I cannot even clearly communicate 
the type of help I need. 
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

On Thursday 25 July 2002 11:00, Fletch wrote:
> >>>>> "ChangingLINKS" == ChangingLINKS com <ChangingLINKS.com> writes:
>     ChangingLINKS> touch ~/.ssh/identity
>         You have to run ssh-keygen.  If you've got the articles from
> the IBM developerworks thing handy, it explains this on page four (of
> the PDF version).

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