[ale] Q: q'n'd script to make 'thumbnails' with ImageMagick?

Cade Thacker linux at cade.org
Tue Jul 23 23:20:24 EDT 2002

Hey John,
please correct me if I am misunderstanding your question, but a quick way
to do this without using a script, is say you have all your originals in
a directory, make a copy
cp -R orig thumbnails
cd thumbnails
mogrify -geometry 160x120 *.jpg
identify *.jpg

mogrify is part of the ImageMagick suite(sweet ;)

just do a man mogrify for more info, but this does not even need a script.

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.


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On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, John Mills wrote:

> ALErs -
> Can anyone suggest a 'display' command-line which will produce a
> 'thumbnail' version of a JPEG suitable for use as an index image going
> into an HTML page?
> I'll just fire off a shell loop and apply the command to [say] all JPEG
> (*.jpg) files in a directory to make a set of tabs with names derived from
> the originals'.
> TIA.
>  - John Mills
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