[ale] OT Solution

Kevin Krumwiede krum at smyrnacable.net
Sun Jul 21 14:02:38 EDT 2002

On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 13:50, rhiannen wrote:
> Considering things like the Consumer Broadband and Digital Television
> Promotion Act conceivably will have an impact on free software, I
> personally not only don't mind the OT conversations, I actually find
> most of them informative and relevant, albeit circuitously.  

I agree, but I also agree with those who think the list should be
reserved for Linux things.

Because of the way these OT threads weave in and out of actual
Linux-related discussions, and because they *are* indirectly related to
the official purpose of this list and *are* of interest to so many of
us, I think moving them to a separate list would be detrimental.

So I propose adding a flag to the subject line so that people who don't
want to see them won't have to.  They could even be filtered from the
archives, or expired after a limited time.  It'll be the responsibility
of the poster to flag messages when the subject veers away from the
topic of discussion.  Simply "OT" can mean things like hardware
giveaways.  "WAY OT" can mean politics, religion, education, etc.

Then we can all be happy and get along.


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