[ale] comparing files

Keith R. Watson keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu
Fri Jul 19 10:49:42 EDT 2002


As loath as I am to recommend anything Windows on a Linux list, there is a 
GUI diff engine for Windows called Windiff.exe. It will compare pairs of 
files or whole directories at a time and gives you lots of options:

Ignore Blanks
Show Identical Files
Show Left Files
Show Right Files
Show Different Files

Edit Left File
Edit Right File
Edit Composite File

Main Windiff help site:


Brief overview of Windiff features:


List of all the menu options:


Command line options:


Where to get it:

    Description of Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Support Tools Download:


    Link to download:


I downloaded sp4rk_i386.Exe and unarchived it using WinZip. Then unarchived 
sp4rkx86.cab using WinZip.

Rename STORMGMT_FILETOOL_windiff.exe to windiff.exe

Rename STORMGMT_FILETOOL_windiff.hlp to windiff.hlp

I think windiff will run on Win 98/ME and I know it runs on NT 4.0, Win 
2000, and Win XP. And just to keep it sort of within the list charter, it 
might work under Wine and certainly under VMWare.


At 11:58 7/18/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>ALE, 07-18-02 1145  index:projdoc
>I have 100 text files that are all about 100Kb in size. The data in the files
>is supposed to be sequential - however, in my haste to backup the files from
>a dying system, I copied repetitive data in some of them.
>I would like to:
>1. Compare 100 text files in a directory
>2. find strings *more than* 4-500 characters long that are duplicated between
>3. print a report showing the similar text and the file names in a file
>4. delete strings from the newer file - and leave in the older one
>5. write a few characters in newer file to show where the omission is
>Having done a little research, the closest programs that I can find do the
>opposite task (diff, diff3) and they do not have the ability to compare 100
>files. Anyone know of a program that can d00 this in Linux (or even Win)?
>Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
>Drew Brown
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Keith R. Watson                        GTRI/ITD
Systems Support Specialist III         Georgia Tech Research Institute
keith.watson at gtri.gatech.edu           Atlanta, GA  30332-0816

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