[ale] GA Web Developers Conference 2002

Mike Millson mgm at atsga.com
Tue Jul 16 17:13:48 EDT 2002


I am the guy that made the announcement at last week's Emory meeting about
the GA Web Developers Conference.

The GA Web Developers Conference is an annual event put on by TAG, the
Technology Association of Georgia (http://www.tagonline.org/). TAG is a
nonprofit trade organization for the GA technology community. The conference
is a one-day, all-day event, and this year it will be held on Wednesday,
Sept. 18, at the Cobb Galleria Centre.

The Web Developers Conference is for developers. It's not a networking
event. It's not an opportunity for presenters to give self-serving sales
pitches. The intent is to provide an opportunity where developers can learn
from technology leaders in a face to face setting.

This year's theme is Web Services, and there are four tracks: (1) Web
Services - Java, (2) Web Services - .Net, (3) Internet Design, and
(4)Project Management/Methodologies. You can mix and match courses from any
of the tracks.

The cost will depend on how many people are interested in attending. The
regular price is $175/person TAG members, $250 for non-members. If we get 10
people interested, it would be $100/person. If we get more people, it will
go lower.

Those interested can take a look at this pdf document that I put together at
this URL:

TAG is still putting together their marketing materials and updating their
website with information. The online material will be at the following URL:

If anyone is interested or has questions, please send me a note. I will keep
track of those who wish to attend, negotiate the rate w/ TAG based on our
numbers, etc.

Thank you,
Mike Millson
Web Systems Engineer
Sun Certified Programmer for Java2 Platform
AableTech Solutions, Inc.
404.219.3177 cell
770.414.8206 fax

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