[ale] Regarding Kernel Operations

Joseph A Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 16 00:51:48 EDT 2002

Geoffrey wrote:
> Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> > Joe -
> >
> > Does that hold for the modules as well?  I assume you move the resulting
> > tree back to the target machine for "make install" and "make
> > modules_install"?
> I don't know about Joe, but... :) I actually do the whole thing.  On the
> rare occurance I'm building a kernel that will have the same module
> tree, I backup the existing one first.  I do the build, then tar up the
> modules, kernel and move them to the new machine.

I rarely build a kernel on a different machine than the one
that will run it. Building the kernel on the target machine
gives the code and the hardware time to, you know, look each
other over and get acquainted :-) But I can see that
would be a real drag if you have to upgrade fifty

If you want the modules to be installed to a safe distribution
directory that you can then tar up and unpack on the
target machine, you can do

make INSTALL_PATH=/my/dist/dir/boot INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/my/dist/dir

Then modules end up in /my/dist/dir/lib/modules/<kernel>/<subsys>/...
and kernel and System.map in /my/dist/dir/boot

(You probably knew that ;-)

-- Joe

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