[ale] On Databases...
Charles Marcus
CharlesM at Media-Brokers.com
Wed Jul 10 09:01:13 EDT 2002
> From: Vaidhy Mayilrangam [mailto:vaidhy at loonys.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 8:50 AM
>>> I don't just want a code jockey; I want someone that
>>> groks DBMSses in the general case - and I don't mean
>>> someone who JUST knows Oracle or JUST knows DB2, but
>>> rather someone who can basically study and work with
>>> ANY of those and pick among them for the best effect
>>> (i.e., PostGreSQL if it'll do the job, and something
>>> else if it won't
>>> :-) )
>> Hmmm...
>> Is there *anything* that you can't do in PostgreSQL
>> that you can in another RDBMS?
> yes.. put it on the resume and expect people to pay
> you a lot :)>
Seriously, though, I think that you could make a successful argument that
since PostgreSQL will host on a Linux server, and since there would then be
*no* client access licenses required for either accessing the host server
*or* the DB server, that the programmer could then command at *least* as
much, if not *more* in actual labor fees as compared to Oracle, DB2, etc.
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