[ale] Why so many updates to RedHat?

Michael Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Tue Jul 9 13:50:02 EDT 2002

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 12:56, Chris Ricker wrote:
> On 9 Jul 2002, Michael Hirsch wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 11:15, Fulton Green wrote:
> > > How are you updating them? ftp://updates.RedHat.com/7.3/en/os/i386/ only has
> > > fifty or so updated packages. OTOH, RH did release a new beta, and some of
> > > those packages might have spilled over into the RHN update service offering.
> > 
> > I've tried it two ways.  First, with apt-get.  I point to a mirror of
> > the redhat update server that has been configured to serve apt-get.  It
> > reports the actual number of updates.  I figured that there must be some
> > mistake, so I tried up2date and it also indicated a lot of updates--way
> > more than I expected since I think my machine was pretty up to date 2
> > weeks ago.
> Look at http://www.redhat.com/errata to double-check, but most of those
> packages below have NOT been errata'ed for 7.3.  Either you've hit an
> apt-get repository that has non-standard packages; or you've hit the beta
> up2date, not the 7.3 up2date; or your box is running 7.2, not 7.3; or your
> rpm db / up2date db is corrupt; or something similar.
> later,
> chris

You are correct.  The errata page doesn't mention most of those files. 
But when I run up2date -l this is what I get (see below).  I don't
believe I have messed with up2date at all.  I do point to some
non-standard apt-get servers, but I use the redhat up2date untouched. 
This is an awful lot, though I confess much less than 400.  It is more
like 100 updated packages.

Name                                    Version        Rel
LPRng                                   3.7.4          28.1
Mesa                                    3.4.2          10
Mesa-devel                              3.4.2          10
XFree86-100dpi-fonts                    4.1.0          25
XFree86-75dpi-fonts                     4.1.0          25
XFree86-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts         4.1.0          25
XFree86-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts          4.1.0          25
XFree86-devel                           4.1.0          25
XFree86-libs                            4.1.0          25
XFree86-tools                           4.1.0          25
XFree86-twm                             4.1.0          25
Xconfigurator                           4.9.39         2
apache-devel                            1.3.22         6
arts                                    2.2.2          2
at                                      3.1.8          23
authconfig                           1
bind-utils                              9.2.1          0.7x
binutils                          12
cvs                                     1.11.1p1       7
cyrus-sasl                              1.5.24         23
cyrus-sasl-devel                        1.5.24         23
cyrus-sasl-md5                          1.5.24         23
cyrus-sasl-plain                        1.5.24         23
docbook-utils                           0.6.9          2.1
docbook-utils-pdf                       0.6.9          2.1
dump                                    0.4b25         1.72.0
e2fsprogs                               1.26           1.72
e2fsprogs-devel                         1.26           1.72
fetchmail                               5.9.0          11
foomatic                                1.1            0.20011218.3
gdb                                     5.1            1
glibc                                   2.2.4          24
glibc-common                            2.2.4          24
glibc-devel                             2.2.4          24
groff                                   1.17.2         7.0.2
groff-perl                              1.17.2         7.0.2
imlib                                   1.9.13         3.7.x
imlib-devel                             1.9.13         3.7.x
jadetex                                 3.11           4
libpcap                                 0.6.2
libxml2                                 2.4.10         0.7x.2
libxslt                                 1.0.7          2
modutils                                2.4.13         0.7.1
mozilla                                 0.9.9          12.7.2
mozilla-mail                            0.9.9          12.7.2
mozilla-psm                             0.9.9          12.7.2
mpg321                                  0.2.9          2.5
nfs-utils                               0.3.1
nscd                                    2.2.4          24
nss_ldap                                189            2
openldap                                2.0.21         1
openldap-clients                        2.0.21         1
openldap-devel                          2.0.21         1
openssh                                 3.1p1          6
openssh-askpass                         3.1p1          6
openssh-clients                         3.1p1          6
pam                                     0.75           19
pam-devel                               0.75           19
perl                                    5.6.1          26.72.3
pine                                    4.44           1.72.0
popt                                    1.6.4          7x
ppp                                     2.4.1          3
printconf                               0.3.61         4.1
printconf-gui                           0.3.61         4.1
python-xmlrpc                           1.5.1          7.x.3
raidtools                               0.90           24
redhat-config-network                   0.9.10         2
rhn_register                            2.7.9          7.x.2
rhn_register-gnome                      2.7.9          7.x.2
rmt                                     0.4b25         1.72.0
rpm                                     4.0.4          7x
rpm-build                               4.0.4          7x
rpm-devel                               4.0.4          7x
rpm-python                              4.0.4          7x
rsync                                   2.4.6          13
sane-backends-devel                     1.0.5          4.1
sharutils                               4.2.1          8.7.x
stunnel                                 3.22           1
sudo                                    1.6.5p2        1.7x.1
tetex-afm                               1.0.7          38.2
tetex-dvilj                             1.0.7          38.2
tetex-dvips                             1.0.7          38.2
tetex-fonts                             1.0.7          38.2
tetex-latex                             1.0.7          38.2
tetex-xdvi                              1.0.7          38.2
tmpwatch                                2.8.1          1
ttfonts-ja                              1.0            7
ucd-snmp                                4.2.5          7.72.0
up2date                                 2.7.61         7.x.2
up2date-gnome                           2.7.61         7.x.2
usermode                                1.46           1
util-linux                              2.11f          17
vim-common                              6.0            7.13
vim-minimal                             6.0            7.13
xsane                                   0.82           3.1
zlib                                    1.1.3          25.7
zlib-devel                              1.1.3          25.7

The following Packages were marked to be skipped by your configuration:

Name                                    Version        Rel  Reason
XFree86                                 4.1.0          25   Config
XFree86-xdm                             4.1.0          25   Config
XFree86-xfs                             4.1.0          25   Config
apache                                  1.3.22         6    Config
ghostscript                             6.51           16.2 Config
initscripts                             6.43           1    Config
iptables                                1.2.4          2    Config
kernel                                  2.4.9          34   Pkg
kernel-headers                          2.4.9          34   Pkg
kernel-smp                              2.4.9          34   Pkg
logwatch                                2.6            1    Config
mutt                                  1    Config
openssh-server                          3.1p1          6    Config
sane-backends                           1.0.5          4.1  Config
tetex                                   1.0.7          38.2 Config

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