[ale] DNS zone transfer problem

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Thu Jan 31 21:16:38 EST 2002

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:32:52 -0500, sangell at nan.net wrote:

>I am having problems with setting up a secondary DNS server. I have gotten
>the primary up and running fine. I have the secondary set up and when I
>start the name daemon I can tell by the logs that it is trying to retrieve
>the zone files from the master but I for each zone it says "permission
>denied". I even added the "allow-zone" option in the master's named.conf
>file but to no avail. Both servers are running RH 7.2 with Bind 9.1.3. I
>have named.conf on master set up with zones entered like:
>Any ideas guys? I am wondering if it is something inherent to RedHats
>default configuration?

One possibility - on the secondary, what user/group does bind run as,
and what is the ownership/permissions on /var/named?  It's possible the
'permission denied' message is because it can't create the files in
/var/named.  I'm not sure what Redhat's default configuration is like,
but I remember running into something like this on one of the older
Slackware distributions.

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net      | The attempt to legislatively
http://oloryn.home.mindspring.com/   | micromanage equality results, at
Amateur Radio NJ8J                   | best, in equal misery for all.

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