[ale] OT: Computer Rentals

jeff tillotson ale at jeffx.com
Fri Jan 25 00:16:52 EST 2002

We use a product called MagicDraw from a company called No Magic.  It is a commercial product but a 
great deal cheaper then the Rational or Togethersoft options that are around.  It is a java applications so it 
is a little slow but other then that everyone seems to be pretty happy with it.  

Fulton Green <me at FultonGreen.com> wrote on 1/24/02 12:02:51 PM:
>What tools with Linux are you using? UML is one of the things I plan to
>learn while I'm "on the bench" ...
>On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:27:48PM -0500, jeff tillotson wrote:
>> Not totally OT the UML training is using LINUX platform.

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