[ale] Recommendations for a SCSI-2 card?

Stuffed Crust pizza at shaftnet.org
Wed Jan 23 10:59:45 EST 2002

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 10:21:03AM -0500, Ben Ostrowsky wrote:
> I'm building servers that have Ultra160 hard drives and an Ultra160
> backup drive, and I ignorantly included a SCSI-2 DVD/CD-ROM drive on the
> same chain.  (Duhhhh!  Why won't my hard drives go any faster?  Duhhhh!)
> So to prevent the chain from downgrading to the speed of that drive, I'm
> planning to add a simple PCI SCSI-2 card to handle the DVD/CD drive.

LVD controllers traditionally have an additional SE channel.  You may
want to check for that..

> Any recommendations (Tekram? Adaptec? Other brand? What model?) would be
> very welcome.

I'd recommend a Symbios 53c875.  They do UltraWide, and I bought two
over a year ago for about $40 each on eBay.  

 - Pizza
Solomon Peachy                                    pizzaATfucktheusers.org
I ain't broke, but I'm badly bent.                           ICQ# 1318344
Patience comes to those who wait.
    ...It's not "Beanbag Love", it's a "Transanimate Relationship"...

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