[ale] can't reach sites using DSL

tewkewl at mindspring.com tewkewl at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 14 11:08:03 EST 2002

Have you tried clearing all cache and temp files? (including cookies)  Maybe something got corupt in the upgrade.


Jeff Rose <jojerose at mindspring.com> wrote:
> I have DSL with Earthlink and run RedHat7.2 and was able to get to all 
those sites so I assume it is an issue with your browser configuration 
or possibly firewall.  Good luck.

Jim Philips wrote:

>For weeks now, I haven't been able to reach some sites that I used to
>visit all of the time. Some of those sites are:
>This all happened after I upgraded to RedHat 7.2. Most sites load as fas
>as they always did. I have tried changing MTU and RWIN to no effect. The
>attistude of Earthlink support seems to be "Yeah, we'll get back to you
>on that later". I am looking for a few more things to try before I give
>up on Mindspring/Earthlink altogether. Any ideas?
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