[ale] SHELL: log files monitoring

Ken Kennedy kkennedy at kenzoid.com
Fri Feb 15 21:47:22 EST 2002

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 08:43:38AM -0500, Zyman, Andy wrote:
> Greg, Joe,
> I'll probably stay with the shell + grep. But both of the programs are very
> nice.

Let me know if you'd like some further examples of scripts...I'm an
Oracle DBA as well, and we also use scripts run from cron periodically
to check our alert logs. I think they're based off of scripts
available from some Oracle-related site (maybe metalink, I'm not sure)
but they've been extensively dinked w/ over the years.


Ken Kennedy	| http://www.kenzoid.com	| kenzoid at io.com

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