[ale] using Time::localtime in perl

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Feb 4 14:00:52 EST 2002

David S. Jackson wrote:

> I'm getting an mtime and an atime value from a stat command.  I
> believe this comes back in Epoch format, right?
> So when I go 
> 	my $info = stat("pathto/file");
> 	my $access = $info->atime;
> 	my $created = $info->mtime;
> 	my $realaccess = localtime($access);
> 	my $realcreate = localtime($created);

Try my $real = scalar locatime($created);

> why do $realaccess and $realcreate get values like
>  	Time::tm=ARRAY(0x81b1a78)?  
> TIA!

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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