[ale] recruiter salary questions

Christopher Bergeron christopher at bergeron.com
Fri Dec 27 00:58:09 EST 2002

Not only that, but if someone did find out that you weren't honest in 
your salary history, they could hold it over you as a "trump card" in 
the event that you crossed them (in some political way).  Few things 
would suck more than having the "guy at work that you hate because he 
doesn't know squat and is too nosey" trump you by having found out that 
you lied about your salary history.  One cue to HR and IMHO it would be 
a terminable offense.  It's in your best interest to just come forward 
with what you know.  If you don't have what it takes to get the job, 
you'll walk away from it motivated, and you'll strive harder.  If you 
get the job by lying, you'll live in shame and always question yourself 
and how you got where you are -- and -- always worry about being 

There's a reason your parents taught you about ethics and integrity.  As 
my father used to say, "... the older that I got, the smarter my father 
got - and he's been dead for 10 years now".  

It wasn't until I realized the value of experience that his statement 
made any sense...


Matty wrote:

>I spoke with an old friend in HR regarding this. Most employers
>will give out salary info and your start/termination date. These
>are both factual pieces of info, so they don't have to worry about
>getting sued. Some places don't bother to follow up, but it's not
>worth playing the odds. :)
>- Ryan
>On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 15:29, Hogg, Russell E wrote:
>> I don't think there is anyway for a recruiter or company to research your
>>pay history save calling your previous emplyer and asking.  Most employers
>>would balk at giving that sort of info out I would hope.
>>_ __________________ _
>>ctcrreho at opm.gov
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Bigg Head [mailto:b1gh34d at yahoo.com] 
>>Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:27 PM
>>To: ale at ale.org
>>Subject: [ale] recruiter salary questions
>>anyone know the legality of inflating your salary when
>>questioned by a recruiter?
>>So, say you are making 50k, tell a recruiter you're
>>making 55k, and the company comes back with an offer
>>of 60k, which you accept.
>>can this come back to byte u?  do companies typically
>>research your pay history after hiring you?  is this
>>illegal?  is it grounds for termination?
>>my stance is that I should be able to tell them
>>anything I want...but i could be wrong as usual ;-P.
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