[ale] OT: H1B
cougaram at charter.net
Tue Dec 17 21:52:04 EST 2002
Jonathan, I wish I had said that. :-)
On Tuesday 17 December 2002 21:35, Jonathan Rickman wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, ANNAREDDY,REDDY (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:
> > However, things are not the same. The goal for humanity is to trancend
> > national boundaries and become truly international with human approach.
> And now I'll jump in...and man is this off topic.
> Speak for yerfrigginself!!!
> I consider myself a part of humanity, and that is about as far from my
> goal as you can get without leaving the universe. The trend I see more and
> more among the international community is all this talk of humanity and
> "transcending" and all that other horse hockey. For me it's real simple.
> We built ours. Go build your own. Don't try to hoist yourself up on the
> coattails of the good ol' USA and claim it's all about "transcending the
> boundaries that separate all of mankind, (sniff sniff sniff)" for
> the good of all humanity. That's akin to pissing on my boots and telling
> me it's raining. If you're here to look out for numero uno, fine. Say so.
> Just realize that by going to work for half the going rate, you're not
> only screwing a citizen out of a job...you're short changing yourself. If
> you're truly qualified for the same job, you should make just as much. If
> you settle for less, the only winner is the el cheapo suits in the ivory
> tower who are taking home the net difference between the citizen's former
> salary and your new salary. And when Joe Citizen can't afford to buy
> whatever product the said el cheapos are selling, and the word comes down
> from the aforementioned ivory towers to cut the fat, you get your ass
> sent back overseas and have little more than an "I worked in America" line
> on your resume. Now lay off the universal humanity without borders
> bullshit. H1B Visa's are designed to screw us all in the name of big
> business.
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