[ale] OT: H1B

Jordi S. Bunster j.bunster at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 13 16:14:37 EST 2002

On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 16:00, Cougar wrote:

> And you can bet your last nickle that should a terrorist cyber attack happen, 
> it will come from one of those H1-B visa holders! It's time for this garbage 
> to come to a screeching halt.

Like one would need to be inside the US to do that kind of thing? Or
with a real passport, for that matter?

I think you underestimate what those suckers have done, and how airport
security/imigration failed at doing their job right.

The US government has everything it needs to send back every single
immigrant in the country. It could even be done without having problems
with the UN or similar groups. Do you have any ideas about why they
don't do it? D'you really think that would end your problems with
"terrorism" once and for all?

Geez. My mother is a holder of an H1B. All the poor creature does is
consulting for an american company that sells clothes in south america.

Go figure.

Jordi S. Bunster <j.bunster at earthlink.net>

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